Research interests

My research interests lie in three main areas: (i) statistical theory & methods, (ii) statistical computing, and (iii) practical applications as described below.

Statistical theory & methods:

  • Bayesian methods.
  • Interpolation and approximation methods (mainly splines but also wavelets based) for longitudinal and spatial data.
  • Estimation of unknown changes in the pattern of response (i.e. change-points in longitudinal data or time series, contours of changes in geostatistics, boundary estimation in image analysis).
  • Segmentation and classification methods in image and volume analysis.

Statistical computing:

  • Parallel and distributed computation.
  • Regularization methods.
  • Markov Chain MonteCarlo (MCMC) methods.


  • Statistical applications for problems in biological and natural sciences (i.e. environment, field trials, genetics, medicine and clinical trials).